#48. Heidi Basford Kerkhof
The girls are learning to eat lobster for the first time. This tells the story so well. It’s actually a wonderful food photograph. I love it.
There are certain people in the world who should not eat lobster. I’m not exactly sure why it doesn’t work for them but it just doesn’t and it’s a big waste of food and money. (I am definitely one of those people. I was probably about 50 years old before I came to the conclusion that it was just time to give up.)
If you just let me eat the coleslaw and french fries I will be as happy as a pig in slop. Throw in a lobster and it’s a forced march. Girls, you don’t have to do it. Politely say no. Save yourself all of that pre-dinner anxiety and have a bowl of Cheerios. I will defend you. And while you are at it you may as well put my mother’s oyster stew on the no-go list.
Like I said, this photograph tells the story so well. Honestly, there’s probably a food magazine out there that would publish this photograph. Totally serious.
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