Meet Nick & the Team
Nick Kelsh loves teaching photography. Sharing what he loves comes naturally.
I grew up in Fargo, North Dakota. When I was a boy I wanted to be a magician, a ventriloquist, an astronaut, an actor, an aeronautical engineer, and President. When I was fifteen, I discovered photography and have been a photographer ever since; a good call.
I earned a degree from University of Missouri’s School of Journalism and worked for several newspapers including The Philadelphia Inquirer. In 1986 I co-founded Kelsh Wilson Design, which specializes in the design and photography for corporate and university publications.
My work has earned numerous awards. I was consistently invited, as one of the world’s top 100 photographers—he said modestly—to contribute to the prestigious A Day in the Life series and my photos were featured on the cover of several of these books, including A Day in the Life of China and A Day in the Life of Thailand, The Power to Heal, America: Then and Now, The Jews in Americas, and The African Americans.
I’ve also served as a spokesman for such companies as Kimberly-Clark, Microsoft, Samsung, and Lindeman’s Wine.
I’m currently a Samsung Imagelogger Photographer.
In May of 2010 I produced a DVD version of How to Photograph Your Baby and started a Facebook page by the same name, which has grown to a following of over 65,000 fans.
In January, 2012, I left Kelsh Wilson Design to dedicate myself to teaching, critiquing, inspiring and celebrating these amateur and advanced amateur photographers through our website and Nick Kelsh’s Photo Tips daily email subscription.
We soon grew and expanded to become and developed our now popular online course, Going Manual—adding other courses through the years. In 2016 we held our first major in-person workshop and have since offered a full program of travel destination workshops throughout the United States—plus one in Canada.
Also, I ran a marathon in four hours and twenty seconds; twenty one seconds short of my goal.
In 2019 we moved our family from Philadelphia to the beautiful Western Catskill Mountains in New York State, so I now live in the rural countryside outside the tiny hamlet of Treadwell, NY with my wife, Anne, and the two youngest of my three sons—Chaz, Alexander and Teddy.

Nick Kelsh is a renowned photographer and author of nine books, including the bestselling Naked Babies and Siblings (co-authored with Pulitzer Prize winning writer, Anna Quindlen) and three how-to books for amateurs, How to Photograph Your Baby, How to Photograph Your Family and How to Photograph Your Life. He has appeared Oprah and The Today Show, and has been featured in Time, Life, Newsweek, National Geographic, The New Yorker, Forbes, and Fortune. He illustrated Rachel Carson’s classic The Sense of Wonder, and wrote and photographed two gift books: How to be Santa Claus and How to be Dad. He also wrote the popular column Great Shots for Creative Memories’ Lasting Moments magazine.

Anne Kelsh
Anne is Nick’s wife and business partner, overseeing operations and marketing. A farmer’s daughter turned television executive turned photography website entrepreneur, she works at home while raising their two sons, Alexander and Teddy. She’s biding her time as an iphone photo-mom until she can pick up Nick’s camera and enroll in his Going Manual course!
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