30. Leila Thompson Flavell Really? Another masterpiece from Leila? Yawn. (And I mean yawn in the nicest possible way. Wow.) Leave feedback on this photo below then click "next" below to continue the photo countdown... p.s. If photographs are the heart of this project,...

31. Diane Steever Anderson The merry-go-round is all that’s left. All of the buildings are gone. It’s the straightforward, bluntness of that centered object that suggests the thousands of stories that could be told. Yes, I know, I often tell you folks not to put your...

32.  Renee Lanza This is crazy. It’s the first photograph that Renee has ever posted on our site, despite the fact she has attended TWO of our photo workshops. I’m not sure how that slipped by but this is a beautiful, stunning way to start. For those of you that have...

33. Tom Reese I’m not sure I quite remember a twist like this one on our HTPYL page but we’ve been going so long at this point it’s probably happened several times; one photographer inspires another photographer inspires another photographer and so on....

34. Ashley Teal Beaty Just because I crop a good photograph doesn’t mean I don’t love it. I moved in on this picture because I want it to sing as beautifully as it can. I want to put all the emphasis on those two great faces. And while I’m at it I may as well...

35.  Terryl Hicks I can only imagine that Terryl has achieved Chief Photographer status at the boy’s school. The search for the best photographs of any given situation is not complete without Terryl presenting her’s. This one is tough to beat for sure. There it...

36.  Abbie Winter OK, first of all, this image is absolutely over the centerfield wall. 500 feet. (Baseball season is coming. Get ready. I can’t stop myself.) So I stared at the horizontal version for a long, long time. And it crossed my mind that I just might...

37. Judy Connick I feel as though I took this photograph myself. After all, I pretty much taught Judy everything she knows. KIDDING! Judy, I was kidding! Everybody relax. Wow! I only make that joke because I know Judy so well. She’s been to multiple workshops with me...

38. Jarod Mills This picture just feels majestic to me. I’m assuming—and hoping—this was taken in a zoo. But still, this connection of two species, both of them communicating with each other as best they can, is just tremendous. But all of this means nothing without...

39. Lauren Eathorne This picture doesn’t need any help from me. Here are Lauren’s words: “The simple uncomplicated, unconditional love between a grandparent and grandchild. This is my beautiful father and my niece sharing a moment. Dad had dementia but knew my...

40. Ronda Cooper SanFilipo‎ Sure, she shot the picture of everyone looking into the camera. (That’s super important! Don’t forget the shoes!) But this one tells the story. It says something about the moment. And as always, the ways their heads are carefully placed...

41. Crystal Butler It’s the Nubble Lighthouse in Maine. Crystal was rubbing shoulders with the big boys and big girls and their big boy big girl cameras while she just waved her smart phone around. Let this be a lesson to those of you that will be out photographing...

42. Anita Bell Wow, two days in a row with a fan photo converted to black-and-white. It must be the snow for me just about every photograph that I shoot of snow ends up in black-and-white somehow. Of course, it completely works in color, too, but the slightly...

43. Andy Kamin Karin Seder showed up at the San Francisco Workshop in her vintage Chevy and we placed in some gorgeous late day light and had a little party. Even with smartphones the glass and metal lit up up like Las Vegas. It was just beautiful. Andy shot an...

44. Faye Kepner It’s mother/son organized chaotic fun. If you don’t want your camera hit with chunks of snow then you just better will move it because I am going to keep shoveling and throwing. Isn’t it fantastic the way his face isn’t blocked...

45. Margaret M Davaz I really love Margaret’s photograph here. It’s abstract and disorienting and that’s why it works. It takes a little while to get your bearings, but it’s worth it. The color palette of those background leaves is just wonderful. I think this is one...

46. Sandra van Hooijdonk It’s a superduper bloom in California. The big girl camera was out of commission so the iPhone had to do. But a wide-angle smartphone camera (like an iPhone and just about every other smartphone) can actually be quite a wonderful landscape...

47. Hope Salway Fredrickson Blue skies are great, but when it’s just solid blue sky it’s nice to put something up there to fill the space. That’s what Hope did with the curve lines of the gates at the Chateau de Versailles. The curve works perfectly....

48. Patti Gawinski This black-and-white version almost looks like it was taken with the Hubble Space Telescope, doesn’t it? (I wonder if anyone at Hubble headquarters ever suggested that they convert one of their colorful galaxy pictures to black-and-white? I...

49.  Karin Seder Yes, I know, more than one FPOTD defies the very definition of FPOTD, but we just wrapped up our San Francisco Workshop and I wanted to share this wildlife photo by Karin taken around 6 am on Pier 39 in the city. (These are Sea Lions, not to be...

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