#18. Diane Steever Anderson

Every year Grandpa Tracy measures all of the grand kids to see how much they’ve grown. It’s all recorded there on the wall of his barn.
What a lovely end of year tradition that is. Diane, a grandmother on the other side of the family, had the good sense to record the recording. Sometimes a child spurts up five or six inches in twelve months! (And when they do it in black and white it’s just all the better.)
It sort of sums up why we’re still here at this page and that’s worth an annual remembrance and celebration. We record the passage of time in the faces and actions of the people we love as the years fly by like time lapse video.
Posting these photos is a little like going out to our mutually shared barn, nailing an image to the wall, and then going back to the house knowing we can always head out again and put our eyes and fingers on it, temporarily returning to that notch in the wall of time. Maybe we go with family or friends or maybe we just go alone.
As so often with the photographs you folks shoot, a face – in this case a boy’s face – pretty much says it all. It’s always the simple things for me. Simplicity carries so much weight.
And so you have my heartfelt gratitude for letting me be the guy who gets to share your photographs (and families and flowers and clouds) with people you’ve never met, enriching their lives and mine and hopefully yours. I know that some of your photographs have touched people in ways you cannot imagine. We have done good work together. I’m so proud of us.
Now, more than ever, the entire Kelsh family wishes you and yours and theirs and everyone else a year that brings us all closer together and makes our barn an even more sacred place to be and it was pretty darn sweet to begin with.
Barns, by the way, have some of the most beautiful natural light in the world. Coincidence? I think not.
Glorious picture, Diane. Thank you.

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  1. Susan Marsh

    I really like this photo the first time I saw it but this time I noticed another nail on the left of someone taller. Must be an older sibling or cousin. The passage of the grandkids growing.

  2. Chris

    Great moment in time. Captured, spot on.


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