Big changes for our boys this year as we’re moving our family from Philadelphia to the beautiful Catskill Mountains…
This year Teddy starts Middle School and Alexander starts High School. And the traditional Back to School photo session got just a tad harder, as what teen wants to have their parents make a photo-scene—especially when you’re the new kids in school. But we managed to pull off a 10 second window of cooperation to get the shot above. And here are a few more views of their new school life in the country…
Photo by Alexander out the car window, on the new early morning twelve mile ride to school. His obvious appreciation for the views were reassuring.
Alexander joined the cross country team a week before school started. Here is is taking a warm-up lap.
The first thing Teddy wanted to do after school was sign up for his new library card at the public library. For those of you who are “My Side of the Mountain” fans, this is the very library the boy would sneak to learn survival techniques in the woods.
Celebrating the end of a successful first day of school with a cookie and homework at the local coffee shop.
Did you miss the news about our big family move? Click here for a flashback. Or click here to see my current update.