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First, be sure to click below to FOLLOW US ON FACEBOOK to enjoy our most popular feature—our daily FAN PHOTO OF THE DAY. Be inspired by the photos; learn from my commentary about them; post your own photos for a chance to have them reviewed by me and enjoy the support from our wonderful community of fellow photo-lovers!

Then lets get you going on your journey toward taking great photographs! Click below to get started…



First let me introduce myself…

Watch the video below to learn how I went from a boy trying to find my niche to a guy with a website helping people like you take photos.

(By the way, don’t be scared off if the video looks a tad long—it’s not all about me. Trust me, it’s packed with some key photo tips so I guarantee you’ll already be a better photographer by the time you finish this video.)

So scroll down to watch and learn!

Okay, so now you know my personal story. (It may be a few years outdated at this point so guess I’ll do an update soon to reflect my kids current ages (but don’t worry, I don’t age) and share how much I enjoy meeting and helping my students in person in our recent travel photography workshops but you get the idea.)

If you want my more official bio—to see what actual credentials I have to teach you—click to visit our ABOUT page.

Otherwise here are more things you can do right now to get to know us better and improve your photography:

Enjoy. And watch your email for more valuable content from us. There’s more good stuff coming up ahead!

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