Laissez les bons temps rouler?
Are you ready to let the good times roll?
Are you ready to re-energize your passion for sharing your world?
We invite you to join us for an intimate, inspiring workshop
that will change the way you take photos forever.
So grab your gear and head on down to The Big Easy for…
Nick Kelsh’s
New Orleans Photography Workshop:
“Laissez Les Bon Temps Rouler”
(Don’t worry. Nick doesn’t speak French either.)
March 2020
Extra Day Add-On Option:
Overnight Trip to Two River Road Plantations
March 2020
It’s about you, your camera, the season, and the stories of your life.
Nick Kelsh's Photography Workshops
offer an amazing opportunity to become lifelong friends with your camera ... and your fellow photographers! Each workshop has a carefully chosen location with a program designed specific to that area and the season to create an experience in which you'll expand both your photographic and cultural horizons... not to mention your friendships! In fact, because each place, season and group creates such a unique experience, a quarter of our participants have become repeat attendees! Don't just take our word for it... see what previous workshop participants have to say:The shared experience of a Nick Kelsh Photography Workshop will feed your photographic soul…
When Nick says the workshop will re-energize your passion and build your confidence, it is NO EXAGGERATION!!!!! And it is loads of fun to boot!!!! A workshop with Nick is not only a learning experience, but one where we laughed and shared our love for photography while building friendships in the process! I get emotional every time I look at the photos. Trying to find the words to capture the weekend and explain it to friends and family… “Awesome” and “amazing” and “wonderful” repeated over and over and over is pretty much what I’ve come up with so far. I think this is a case where I’ll have to let my photos speak for themselves! Nick and his wife Anne are as kind and fun as they seem online…even more so in person, I do believe! One of the attendees described it as a “once in a lifetime experience that I hope happens more than just once”— a perfect description of how I feel!
What I like most about Nick’s workshops – They are comfortable learning environments. Nick sets the tone so that everyone, no matter their expertise, learns how to improve their skills with only constructive critiques. I was so nervous when I arrived since I was not a professional photographer and felt I was probably in over my head. I was so wrong. The moment I first met Nick and some of the other attendees, I immediately felt at ease and knew I was where I should be. Nick proved to be very patient, explained things where I could understand them, and was always available to answer questions. The other attendees, well, they were awesome. From the professionals to those like me, everyone was willing to share their knowledge and their friendship. The workshops are extremely well organized so that we make the most of our time. Spouses feel included and actually enjoy the experience. Finally, the workshops are like taking a vacation but no one minds that you stop and take lots and lots of photographs!!
What an amazing time we had. Nick is so generous to spend time with each of us as needed, and it is so fantastic to get help from him in person. Anne shared a meal with us each day, and it was especially fun to see Alexander and Teddy one night too. [Terryl Hicks does an amazing job to plan and organize these workshops. What a treat to get to meet her, too.] If you have not been to one of these workshops, I strongly encourage you to budget so you can save up – both the cost and the time – to have an experience like this. What a privilege for me to get to spend a week with Nick!
An exclusive invitation to a place I love
The Big Easy… The Crescent City… The Birthplace of Jazz …
Whatever you call it, it’s New Orleans.
“….these elements of New Orleans possess an astonishing vitality that has spoken to people around the world and shaped much of the best of what we think of still as American culture. Jazz music, rhythm and blues, and rock and roll, Creole cooking, Mardi Gras, the architecture of the French Quarter, the literary traditions of Williams and Faulkner and Percy and Kate Chopin, the Mardi Gras Indians….It is not something that you find only in a tourist guide; it is a reality lived by its inhabitants every day, and as often as possible by those who love visiting.” —Tom Piazza, Why New Orleans Matters, 2008
Home of the Vieux Carre, St. Louis Cathedral, beignets and Mardi Gras beads, New Orleans is a gem of a city, with many facets ranging from the Spanish and French influences in the French Quarter to the elegant homes lining St. Charles Avenue in the Garden District…from the majestic centuries-old live oak trees dripping with Spanish moss in the parks to the somewhat unusual above-ground cemeteries known as the “Cities of the Dead” that are beautiful in their own way. A city of tradition, history and beauty, all melded together into one beautiful city full of photographic opportunities.
New Orleans has inspired musicians such as the great Louis Armstrong, writers including Tennessee Williams (who hasn’t heard of A Streetcar Named Desire?), and many other artists. And it will inspire you as a photographer as you capture the sights, sounds and character of the town known as “The Big Easy.”
The cuisine, character, and charm of this city situated in a bend of the mighty Mississippi River is sure to captivate you.
So we’re excited to invite you to join us for a truly special experience… a city brimming with delicious food, beautiful sights and interesting people combined with an intimate, intensive, personalized, hands-on photography workshop. It’s a wonderful opportunity to learn from my lifetime of shooting photographs, while visiting one of our country’s most desirable destination cities.
You’ll be inspired and challenged. You’ll photograph, explore, play, eat, relax, grow, bond and, I predict, above all else, be absolutely thrilled with how it will change your photography. You’ll gain the skills and confidence to take control of your camera. You’ll enjoy a memorable getaway and return home with those memories beautifully captured in the kind of photographs you’ve always dreamed of shooting—the kind that you’ll now be comfortable shooting consistently, that will enrich your life and the lives of those you love and those you photograph.
Why choose our New Orleans Photography Workshop?

Here’s what some of our past attendees say:

Why spend this time with me?
For me personally, these workshops could possibly be the most exciting thing I’ve ever done in my career. I would rank my photography workshops among the great photographic experiences of my life. They are thrilling and attendees have enjoyed them so much that many have attended multiple workshops.
I've hosted hundreds of seminars, retreats, public speaking events, webinars and online classes. I've written and/or photographed nine books, and I have come to the conclusion thw working with a small group over a period of several days may very well be the perfect teaching and learning format.
There's enough time for me to connect with every student personally and still give you time to be alone with your camera and exercise your mind's eye - in other words, shoot great pictures. That's what it's all about.
Yes, we're going to make sure you're secure in knowing how to use your camera in manual mode but I want more than that for you. I want you to think like a photographer. I want you to think in terms of photographic communication. I want you to tap into your inner storyteller. I want you to create images - during the workshop and beyond - that will enrich your life and the lives of the people you love.
I want to help you get there. And I want you to have good old-fashioned fun doing it.
Oh, and one more thing... I guarantee you'll leave a better photographer.

Nick Kelsh is a renowned photographer—with nine published books and repeat appearances on OPRAH and THE TODAY SHOW—who has become a photo-guru and friend to many thousands of family memory keepers and photographers of all levels. Nick’s passion for teaching and helping others, knack for creatively delivering photography instruction in easily digestible bites, and inspiring, entertaining style make learning photography easy and fun on his How To Photograph Your Life website, blog and Facebook Page, and in his popular online courses, live workshops and speaking engagements.
Here’s What You’ll Get:
A three day immersive photography workshop in what’s often considered our nation’s most unique city. We’ll kick off with New Orleans fine cuisine at one of the city’s top restaurants, followed by our welcome introductory photo slideshow on our first night. Take advantage of your Free Bonus Session by coming earlier on that first day for your camera settings checkup with Nick. We’ll then spend the next three days diving into the lessons, assignments, photo shoots, reviews/critiques and editing. We’ll work on mastering or reviewing your camera settings, lighting, composition, and many other specialized techniques and general tips. We’ll shoot in various locations in and around the French Quarter, Garden District and other picturesque New Orleans spots. Our schedule will include both classroom style and on-the-street training. Our itinerary will allow for flexibility to take advantage of optimum locations, time of day and light conditions (and to adjust for weather if necessary)—for viewing and photographing the unique charm of this city. Oh, and of course, we’ll build in time to relax by the Mississippi river with a cafe au lait and beignets at the iconic Cafe du Monde. You’ll leave refreshed and re-energized, with deeper photographic knowledge and skills; wonderful new photo-friends, a collection of photographs you’ll be proud of, and the confidence, creativity and control of your camera to consistently shoot the photos you’ve always dreamed of.
My New Orleans Photography Workshop is a magical three day event that will:
- Give you the confidence and skills to control your camera creatively in the daily situations that make for great photographs.
- Improve your understanding of various lighting situations and techniques, ability to expose photographs properly, compositional thinking, storytelling tactics and your post-processing and editing skills.
- Establish new ways of thinking about your photography and the way you take pictures. It will help you not just relax but empower you…and it all shows up in your pictures.
- Make you aware of just what makes photographs that work…and photographs that don’t. You’ll be guided by me and enjoy the support and feedback from a diverse group of photographers who share your passion.
- Give you a heart, head, and photo album filled with wonderful memories of a unique experience shared with what are surely to become lifetime friends. This is guaranteed to be unforgettable.
Optional Add-On Photo Tour:
Great River Road Plantations
March 2020
We’re excited to offer an amazing add-on experience—an overnight photography excursion that will give you the chance to venture outside the city and tour two of the most popular historic grand old Mississippi River Road plantations!
Nighttime at Nottoway: We’ll depart New Orleans on Thursday afternoon and arrive at the South’s largest existing antebellum mansion in time to enjoy some daylight there, as twilight falls and the mansion and grounds take on magical lighting … with wonderful opportunities to learn about and practice magic hour and night photography in a spectacular antebellum setting. As our accommodations will be on the plantation grounds, we will have after-hours access to the mansion, including a private tour of the “White Castle.” This sugarcane plantation has been restored to its grandeur and glory of the 1850s, with its elaborate interiors (wait until you see the White Ballroom), amazing architecture and other unique features. The next morning, we’ll capture the beauty of Nottoway and its grounds in the morning light before heading to our next stop…
Oak Alley Plantation, the Grande Dame of Great River Road. Oak Alley is probably one of the most well-known River Road plantations, having been the setting for several feature films and television episodes. The view of the plantation house through the alley of 300-year-old oak trees is a classic one! We’ll spend midday into the afternoon exploring this grand plantation, with a historic tour of the mansion and plenty of time to stroll the grounds and take advantage of photo opportunities and learning exercises, photographing the majestic Oak trees and other scenes around the grounds.
We’ll leave New Orleans in late afternoon on April 18, after the main 3-day workshop wraps up, and can return you directly to the New Orleans airport by 4 PM on the afternoon of April 19. All transportation and entrance/tour fees are included.
The add-on excursion offers an additional day with Nick that will educate, inspire and challenge you.
Add the Great River Road Plantations Overnight Photo Tour to take your workshop experience in New Orleans over the top!
Before the workshop begins you'll be asked to upload a set of ten photographs to give us a sense of who you are and where you are in your photographic journey. It could be a picture of your family and then your photographic greatest hits and/or mistakes! I'll review these with you in a private consultation call before the workshop and then we'll share them with the group in our opening night presentation, as we get to know each other and all share our photographic achievements, challenges, and goals.
We welcome a diversity of experience and skill levels among attendees. I know that we'll have students attending this weekend who could probably teach significant portions of it. On the other hand, we'll have people with expensive cameras who lack the understanding of how to take full advantage of all the bells and whistles.
To level the playing field, I want to make sure that all attendees are relatively comfortable with their camera settings before we get to the first day of shooting. If anyone who’s attending wants to get on the phone with me before the workshop, I will be happy to walk you through your settings.
You'll be asked to watch (or review) my 60-minute "F-stops, Shutter Speeds, and ISO Made Easy" training in advance of the workshop.
Also, I will be available on location during the day on the first day for anyone who wants to be among the first to arrive so that I can sit down with you to demystify your camera settings. A basic knowledge of the exposure triangle and a rough understanding of how to take a light reading is going to go a long way here. (Time for these sessions is limited, so register and arrive early to take advantage of this bonus - the first 6 attendees to register for the workshop will be guaranteed an individual slot for these sessions. All others will be held on a first-come, first-served basis individually or in groups by camera type as time allows.)
On the other hand, for some students, coming to grips with their cameras settings over the course of the weekend may be the huge personal milestone they’ve been dreaming of reaching. It’s all good, believe me. My point is this: I want to help you before the weekend really gets going so we can maximize our time shooting photographs and telling stories.
We shoot photographs to tell stories so we will spend time addressing this all-important topic.
We'll talk about the how to tell a story in a single image and how to shoot a collection of images that tell a story. We'll focus on shooting photographs during this workshop that tell stories in a personal way…your way. I want you to go home with a set of pictures that was taken by a specific personality—you. That's, after all, what good storytelling is all about; it's the way the story is told and not the story itself.
I want your pictures to say something about how you feel about the world and the people you're with. That attitude is going to result in the very best family photos when you get home.
And we’ll discuss the difficult but necessary task of choosing which images to keep and which to delete. We'll discuss how cropping, editing, and converting to black and white can enhance your photos and the storyline.
Storytelling with a camera is an art and you will not leave the weekend having mastered it, believe me. But your ability to be a visual communicator will grow and flourish.
Essentially, we’re all going to photograph the same buildings, streets, vineyards, people and views but, as all great storytellers know, the story is in the telling. This is a profound lesson to learn as a photographer.
It's not about being self-centered, it’s actually the opposite. It’s about sharing your vision with the world. It’s what we photographers do.
A couple of weeks or so after the workshop we'll have a follow-up session via webinar for a final overview of the weekend, review of your photos and editing lessons.
You'll be asked to evaluate and edit your collection of photographs during the week following the workshop and submit a sample of them for my review with the group. We'll discuss content, technique, composition, and storytelling and I'll demonstrate editing techniques in Lightroom.
You'll receive a recording of this session to download for review as needed—and as a keepsake of the group's greatest hits and our shared experiences together during this memorable workshop.
(Definition: /lan’ yap/ Something extra that you didn’t pay for–thrown in to sweeten the deal–like a baker’s dozen)
Get 6 Great Bonuses!
In order to give you all the support you need, we're giving you the added benefit of the following bonuses, making your workshop package even more valuable (combined bonuses are valued at more than $1000). This is our way of preparing you to get the most out of your workshop experience, and for optimal success afterwards.
Personal Pre-Workshop Phone/Skype Consultation & Photo Review with Nick
Discuss where you are in your photographic journey, your goals, challenges and any questions you may have. Get samples of your photographs reviewed for feedback, advice on how to prepare to get the most out of your workshop, and a personal plan for growing your skills to take your photos to the next level! (Valued at $125)
Basic Photography Course (Self-Study)
The first module of this course will get you familiar with all your camera settings, and then you'll learn, or review, the fundamentals of composition, artificial and natural lighting, photo storage/editing and more. Whether you shoot with a DSLR camera, point-and-shoot or even your smartphone, you’ll master the practical tips & techniques of the pros. (Valued at $79)
GOING MANUAL Course (Self-Study)
This is my best-selling manual photography course with everything you need to know to make the concepts of manual photography finally click! Watching (or rewatching) these 8 modules of video lessons will prepare you for the workshop and provide plenty of review after. You'll get comfortable with the 3 key settings—the exposure triangle—and much more, to give you a great foundation to start taking your photography to the next level. (Valued at $159)
Camera Settings Checkup (Live with Nick before workshop)
(Frst 6 registrants get individual sessions!)
Arrive early to get a FREE session (first 6 registrants guaranteed a private session—otherwise, small group by camera brand, as time allows) to get yourself and your camera ready to hit the ground shooting. I'll give your settings a once-over and get you up to speed on all those buttons and dials! We'll clear up any confusion or problems that have been holding you back. (Valued at $100)

Follow-up Live Webinar Review/Editing Session
A few weeks after the workshop once you've had time to evaluate/edit your photos and submit a sample collection to me, we'll have a final session via live webinar to provide an overview of the workshop, review of your photos and extra editing lessons. We'll discuss content, technique, composition, and storytelling and I'll demonstrate editing techniques in Lightroom. You'll receive a recording of this session to download for review as needed—and as a keepsake of the group's greatest hits and our shared experiences together during this memorable workshop. (Valued at $150)
Free Portraits by Nick
During the workshop you'll get FREE personal portraits by Nick Kelsh! Joining Nick in a live workshop gives you a great opportunity to be professionally photographed by a renowned photographer—so be sure to consider that you'll be photographed when deciding what clothes to pack! Location, lighting and schedule will dictate when you'll be photographed. Includes retouched digital files. (Valued at $350)
Our Venue in the historic “Vieux Carré”
“I’ve been all over the world. I love New York, I love Paris, San Francisco, so many places. But there’s no place like New Orleans. It’s got the best food. It’s got the best music. It’s got the best people. It’s got the most fun stuff to do.” —Harry Connick, Jr., Singer
While we’re in the Crescent City, we’ll explore the French Quarter, situated on a bend of the Mighty Mississippi River, festooned with iron balconies and filled with the people, places, sights and sounds that set it apart. Tickle your ears with the sounds of live music drifting from the doors of clubs and restaurants as well as on the streets in and around Jackson Square
We’ll hop aboard one of the historic New Orleans streetcars and ride down St. Charles Avenue, aptly described in the novel A Confederacy of Dunces: “The ancient oaks of St. Charles Avenue arched over the avenue like a canopy…St. Charles Avenue must be the loveliest place in the world. From time to time…passed the slowing rocking streetcars that seemed to be leisurely moving toward no special designations, following their route through the old mansions on either side…everything looked so calm, so prosperous.”
A cemetery may seem like an unusual destination, but the cemeteries in New Orleans are like no others. Known as “cities of the dead,” they feature richly appointed above-ground tombs and are popular with tourists as well as movie and television productions. They are historic, iconic, and uniquely beautiful.
Natural beauty is cultivated in New Orleans’ public parks, from Audubon Park in the Garden District to City Park, one of the oldest municipal parks in the US, dating back to 1854. Find peace and tranquility among the centuries-old live oak trees dressed in the grays and browns of Spanish moss and residing in some of the city’s beautiful parks.
And, of course – we’ll eat!
“New Orleans food is as delicious as the less criminal forms of sin.” —Mark Twain, Author
Essential to the New Orleans experience is the cuisine … Your taste buds will celebrate as you feast on New Orleans classics such as gumbo, jambalaya, beignets and pralines. You’ll have plenty of opportunities to indulge your palate with a variety of New Orleans classics at restaurants old and new throughout New Orleans, from spicy Cajun delicacies to the powdered-sugar covered puffed dough known as beignets.
Music… People… Food… Art… Architecture…
Here’s a sample of photographs taken in and around the area to give you a flavor for what you will experience…and photograph.
Click on the photo below to enjoy an inspiring slideshow of photos taken by previous workshop participants and get an idea of what’s ahead for you…
Treat yourself to this valuable experience.
You deserve it!
There’s no doubt that this is a significant investment.
It’s a commitment to yourself and your passion that will pay you back for the rest of your life.
Consider this: for the cost of a memorable getaway under the experienced guidance of a renowned photographer you will grow as a photographer in joyful and unexpected ways that will enrich your relationship with photography for as long as you live.
You’ll always be able to tap into the moments and insights that are going to make this workshop experience so amazing.
Plus you're guaranteed to go home with some amazing photographs—and an amazing group of new photo-friends!
This is an opportunity you'll want to experience if you can.
Ready to take your photography to the next level?
Join us now to be part of an extraordinary experience!
Don’t miss this opportunity to grab your spot for an amazing city photography workshop—with an optional add-on photo tour overnight trip.
Space is limited to 12 participants. Register now to get the best value!
Regular Registration investment: $1645
Early Registration ($200 Discount): $1445
So are you ready to let the good times (and the great photos) roll?
Join us in New Orleans!
REGISTER NOW to take advantage of our Early Bird Discount!
Hurry to register now if you want to…
- Reserve your spot at a discounted price
- Save $50 on our add-on daytrip: “River Road Plantations Photo-Tour”
- Be first in line to claim a slot for your personal one-on-one live Camera Settings Session with Nick.
- Be sure to get in. The workshop is limited to just 12 participants. We expect it to fill up!
Once those slots are filled you’ll miss the opportunity to enjoy this rare experience on the intensive road to photographic improvement—and to enjoy a wonderful time with like-minded photography enthusiasts in one of America’s most photogenic cities.
Want in, but not sure about travel/housing yet?
No worries… it’s RISK-FREE to secure your spot!
We understand that you may need a little time to look into travel arrangements or make plans with potential roommates—and we can help coordinate both— so we welcome you to register now to get a discounted spot (and secure your bonues) and, if you’re unable to make suitable arrangements, we will allow a full refund of your workshop fee for 72 hours after you purchase.
So you can reserve your spot with absolutely no risk, while you take the time you need to finalize your travel plans.
Still on the fence?
You may have lots of questions, so below are lots of answers!
Who is this for?
Very simply, this is for anyone who wants to become a better photographer. Photographers of all levels are welcome. Probably the most satisfying experience will be had by owners of a SLR or DSLR camera. You want to be able to manually adjust your f-stops, shutter speed and ISO settings. Having said that, if you want to do this weekend with only a smartphone camera, I would welcome that challenge. As long as you wouldn’t mind all the discussion of manual photography – that could be a wonderful photographic experience for sure. I will try to make the challenge for each participant personal and appropriate to their level and interest.
What’s included in the cost?
The workshop fee includes:
- Three day photography workshop, with hands-on instruction, assignments, photo review, and editing instruction.
- Skype consultation & photo review with Nick prior to the workshop.
- Bonus Camera Settings Session with Nick if you arrive early on Monday. (Individual sessions guaranteed to the first 6 registrants.)
- Nick’s Basic Photography Course (self study)
- Going Manual Course (self-study version)
- Bonus Portrait by Nick (digital/retouched files).
- All admission fees for any attractions we visit on the group photo tours
- All local transportation during the workshop
- Transportation to the airport on the way back from Nottoway Plantation on Friday late afternoon.
- Follow-up webinar after the workshop for photo review and editing instruction
- Welcome Dinner on Monday, continental breakfast each day, and a Jazz Brunch on the last day of the 3-day workshop, and, of course, chicory coffee & beignets during one of our outings!
Not included:
- Accommodations are not included and must be booked separately (See next question for hotel details.)
- Lunch and dinner, except for the “welcome” dinner on Monday — you’ll be free to enjoy those meals on your own, or welcome to join us and we’ll eat as a group.
How do I reserve my room?
You will reserve your room through Nick Kelsh Photography Workshops. At a point after you register you’ll receive information for how to book your room at the hotel. We have reserved a block of rooms including mostly doubles (with two double beds), as well as a few king rooms. Private rooms are limited and more expensive. If you prefer, you may choose your own hotel—there are plenty within just a few minutes’ walking distance. Shared rooms start at $90 per person per night, while private rooms will be $169-179/night. (Prices do not include taxes.)
Our accommodations at Nottoway Plantation will also be booked through us. Shared rooms for the one night start at $67/person, while private room start at $134. Rooms will be in cottages or the carriage house on the grounds of Nottoway Plantation, and will allow us after-hours access to the mansion..
Can I room with a friend? Or can you help me split the cost with another attendee?
Yes! It’s best for you to share accommodations with friends or fellow participants, as room price is based on double occupancy. After you register for the workshop, you’ll be invited to join our private Facebook group for workshop attendees, and you can find a roommate there if you don’t already know one. If you don’t book with someone you know you’ll be assigned a roommate (if one is available) …a great way to make new photo-friends! Private rooms are limited.
Can I bring a spouse or other travel companion?
Yes, absolutely! It’s great to take advantage of such an opportunity to share such a trip. We offer a 3 and 4 day companion packages to cover that same meals, admission fees, and local transportation expenses that are included in your own workshop registration.
We realize, though, that many of you will be looking forward to focusing on yourself and your photography this weekend—and bonding with fellow participants—so we will all, of course, respect that as the goal of our group. However, traveling companions will certainly be welcome to join us for meals and touring activities.
3-Day Workshop Guest Package is $250
4-Day Workshop Guest Package (including the add-on plantation option) is $325
Please let our workshop coordinator Terryl Hicks know at [email protected] if you have any questions.
What about meals?
Your workshop fee includes dinner at one of New Orleans’ top restaurants on Monday, breakfast each day, and a Jazz Brunch one day during the workshop. Also we’ll be treating you to a stop at the legendary Cafe du Monde for cafe au lait and beignets!
For the remaining meals you’ll be free to go out on your own, or you’re welcome to join us in a group meal (dutch treat).
What’s the location and directions?
We will be headquartered at _____________
Will I have access to WiFi?
Yes, The hotel offers guests free WiFi.
Where do I fly into and how do I get there from the airport?
You will fly into Louis Armstrong International Airport in New Orleans. Shuttles, taxis, uber cars and buses are options to get to the hotel. We can coordinate arrivals in our Facebook group for attendees.
What about local tranportation?
We will cover all local transportation during official workshop hours.
What if I have special needs?
Please let us know if you have any special dietary or mobility needs. Due to the nature of our workshops, attendees can expect a reasonable amount of walking, and we recommend at least a moderate fitness level. You can email workshop coordinator Terryl Hicks at [email protected], or let us know if you’d like a phone call to discuss how to accommodate any concerns.
What equipment do I need?
Bring your camera and all the lenses you may want to use. If you have a tripod—and it’s not a hassle to bring—bring it. (Many folks in the past have brought their tripods and ended up not using them. It’s your call. It’s NOT mandatory.) If you own a detachable “speedlight” you can bring that, too. (Although, again, past participants have ended up not using them, so you decide.) And, of course, chargers, portable batteries, a flash drive.
When you pack your equipment for our photo-tours, try to keep yourself light and mobile. Your choice of camera bag is important. We will be walking (almost) everywhere—and for the most part you’ll be using your camera and whatever lenses you own.
Bring your laptop for post-processing your photos. We will do some editing work onsite during the workshop. I use Lightroom for editing and I’m going to suggest you do, too. If you plan to use Lightroom it would be good to have it installed before you get there. (If you need help learning to use it before the workshop, here’s a course I recommend: 🙂
What else should I pack?
Comfortable walking shoes are mandatory. New Orleans tends to be warm and humid, so you’ll want to bring clothes that will be comfortable. A few layers would be good to have in case the evenings cool off. Temperatures at that time of year tend to range from the upper 50s to the upper 70s/low 80s – but anything can happen weather-wise! So bring a raincoat (which we hope you won’t need!) and rain/sun hat.
Keep in mind that you could end up in photos taken by me and others throughout the weekend (which I may share in my blog or Facebook page), so take that into consideration if you care— pack seasonal city clothes, and avoid t-shirts with distracting logos, etc. And you’ll want to bring at least one nice outfit for a fine dining experience in the Crescent City (generally, coats and ties are required for men).
For the bonus portrait, remember to bring whatever clothes you want to be photographed in. If you’re wondering what’s best to wear for that, ask yourself what you want these photos for… a nice personal photo for your family or social media? A business headshot for your work? With your camera for your photography page? Just dress accordingly. In terms of colors, black isn’t great, bright white is the worst and solid colors are always the safest way to go.
What will the weather be like?
Of course we hope it will be picture-perfect but we have to be prepared that anything can happen weather-wise. (Our itinerary will be flexible to accommodate weather and light and we will shift outdooor/indoor shoots accordingly.)
Temperatures at that time of year tend to range from the upper 50s to the upper 70s/low 80s. New Orleans also tends to be humid, making it feel a bit warmer than the thermometer may show.
Remember to check the weather before you pack. As we approach the week, you can check the weather here:
And a good app to download to your smartphone is: Dark Sky is the most accurate source of hyperlocal weather information.
What is the cancellation policy?
Your workshop fee is fully refundable for 72 hours. This will allow you to secure your spot—to take advantage of the discount and special bonus—but be risk-free, with time afterward to be sure you can get travel arrangements in place. (Please contact us at terryl@howtophotographyourlife if you’d like help with arrangements.)
What if I have more questions?
Please email Terryl (our Workshop Coordinator—and a Nick Kelsh Photography Workshop alum!) at [email protected] and she’ll be happy to discuss any questions you have. She can offer advice about transportation, rooming and other logistics to help make the trip manageable, affordable and possible for you. (Terryl can offer assistance as both a local Louisianian and a past workshop participant!)
Register now to get your discounted spot and Special Bonuses!
This special workshop, which I, as your trusty photography guide have carefully and lovingly programmed for you, is sure to engage, enrich and inspire you…in mind, body and soul!
Don’t delay, as space is limited!
I hope you’ll join us for a memorable time and I look forward to helping you…
Stay in focus.
“I’m not going to lay down in words the lure of this place. Every great writer in the land, from Faulkner to Twain to Rice to Ford, has tried to do it and fallen short. It is impossible to capture the essence, tolerance, and spirit of south Louisiana in words and to try is to roll down a road of clichés, bouncing over beignets and beads and brass bands and it just is what it is.”
Chris Rose- Author – One Dead in Attic
Well, it may be impossible to capture in words, but we’re going to capture it in photographs!
Are you with us?!
Can’t make this one? Scroll through the photos below to see past and upcoming workshops!

Nick Kelsh is a renowned photographer—with nine published books and repeat appearances on Oprah and The Today Show—who has become a photo-guru and friend to many thousands of family memory keepers and photographers of all levels. Nick’s passion for teaching and helping others, knack for creatively delivering photography instruction in easily digestible bites, and inspiring, entertaining style make learning photography easy and fun on his How To Photograph Your Life website and blog and Facebook Page, and in his popular online courses, live workshops and speaking engagements. |