
Great River Road Plantations 2020 – (add-on to New Orleans Workshop)

Original price was: $345.00.Current price is: $295.00.

We’re excited to offer an amazing add-on experience—an overnight photography excursion that will give you the chance to venture outside the city and tour two of the most popular historic grand old Mississippi River Road plantations—Nottoway and Oak Alley (see details below).

We’ll leave New Orleans in late afternoon after the main 3-day workshop wraps up, and can return you directly to the New Orleans airport by 4 PM the next day. All transportation, admission and tour fees are included.

The add-on excursion offers an additional day with Nick that will educate, challenge and inspire you.

Add the Great River Road Plantations Overnight Photo Tour to take your workshop experience in New Orleans over the top!



Nighttime at Nottoway:  We’ll depart New Orleans on Thursday afternoon and arrive at the South’s largest existing antebellum mansion in time to enjoy some daylight there, as twilight falls and the mansion and grounds take on magical lighting … with  wonderful opportunities to learn about and practice magic hour and night photography in a spectacular antebellum setting.  As our accommodations will be on the plantation grounds, we will have after-hours access to the mansion, including a tour of the “White Castle.”  This sugarcane plantation has been restored to its grandeur and glory of the 1850s, with its elaborate interiors (wait until you see the White Ballroom), amazing architecture and other unique features.  The next morning, we’ll capture the beauty of Nottoway and its grounds in the morning light before heading to our next stop…

Oak Alley Plantation, the Grande Dame of Great River Road. Oak Alley is probably one of the most well-known River Road plantations, having been the setting for several feature films and television episodes.  The view of the plantation house through the alley of 300-year-old oak trees is a classic one!  We’ll spend midday into the afternoon exploring this grand plantation, with a historic tour of the mansion and plenty of time to stroll the grounds and take advantage of photo opportunities and learning exercises, photographing the majestic Oak trees and other scenes around the grounds.

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